
Enjoy sex like never before with fuckbuddy Sunderland
Watching fuckbuddy porn before sex helps improve libido in women and sex drive in men. Regions below the neck and ear are super sensitive. Gently bite her ears and lick upside down in at the back of her neck to arouse her. The trick will help her experience orgasm in a sustained way. Dirty talks make the mood surge up for the real deal that you have been waiting all the while.
Exploring her
Even when you get under and penetrate her, continue to stimulate her breasts and nipples. Let your hands and tongue do the caressing for her. While doing all this, don’t forget to maintain eye contact.
Try new positions
Don’t just take her clothes off and do the routine missionary. Give it an exciting twist at times by having it in the kitchen, at staircases or in the backseat of your car with seat reclined and windows up. Talk dirty, watch fuckbuddy porn and explore new positions that you had just fancied to have with your fuckbuddy Sunderland. For, if you don’t do it, you will never know how it feels.
Pampering for more excitement
Forget all that feminism talks that you listen on social chatter, women of all walks of life like to be pampered and explored. They welcome the idea of the guy taking full control of things in the bed. They love to be possessed and caressed. A fuckbuddy Sunderland needs to ensure that he delivers to her expectations every time, to keep her coming to you time and again.
Oral sex
While licking the clitoris with tongue, nod your head as if you want to say yes with your body language. She would even welcome a soft bite on the clit, don’t hesitate to do it for her.
Position 69 and finger action
Finger action is a key part of oral sex. A finger can go deeper than the tongue into the vaginal canal. Use of fingers gives the mouth a break and the guy won’t feel tired too early. A position like 69 that exposes her clitoris more will provide her more pleasure and excitement.